Friday, December 31, 2004

Same Old Lang Syne

"Merry New Year!"

"You mean Happy, Happy New Year."

"HA HA HA HA! Thank you for correcting my english which stinks!"

Good quote which I always revisit on this day. Best wishes for a successful and prosperous 2005 from the GDP. We're heading over to Al & Amy's for all day poker, movies and general merriment. Then it's off to Polly Esther's for a night of 80's goodness at Culture Club. The Purple Rain will be flowing and I'll be wearing my sunglasses at night. I'm keeping a secret list of songs that I want to hear and will follow with a full report on Sunday or Monday.

No doubt we'll here the traditional Auld Lang Syne and once again I'll have to go into the whole "When Harry Met Sally" scene which searches for an answer to the song's meaning.....classic stuff and I'm sure that Amy will not miss a beat.

Time to hit the shower and get wishes for a safe and happy New Year's Eve. I hope you celebrate it in style.

Good Day!


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