Sunday, January 02, 2005

Valuable lessons learned....

Oh man....bad things.....bad things. I learned a very valuable lesson on NYE:

Getting drunk in your 30's is a lot worse than getting drunk in your 20's. It sort of snuk up on me without any warning. Rum and coke, rum and coke, rum and coke. Any body think to count? Nahhhhhh.....let 'er rip, GDP, let 'er rip.

We started the festivities at Al & Amy's with casual drinking and a sprited round of Scene It. It was me vs. everyone in the room and I lost by the thinnest of margains....Little Nicky will forever haunt me.

We then turned to poker where yours truly was the winner of a $5 buy-in game. I won Amy's metro fare for the evening (which turned out to be important). At around 9:00 we headed out to Polly Esther's and our third straight year of NYE celebrations on 12th street.

Well Ron, Al & I made a rule when we arrived. The rule was.....whenever one person ordered a drink that person would order drinks for the other two. The end result was alot of double fisting. In addition, because we're just all-around great guys and bartenders react well to great guys....we had RUM and cokes and not cokes and rum.....long story short, after about two hours there this is what we looked like:

Posted by Hello

So we ring in '05 (apparently five minutes late but c'mon, look at the picture.....five minutes late is pretty good, yes?) and about two hours later it's time to hop on the red line and head back home. God bless my wife.....she stayed by me the whole time and got me back to our apartment. What happened after that I'll take to the grave with me.

I hope you had as enjoyable a celebration as I did. Thanks to Doc, Liz, Shawna and Brian for making the trip down and sharing it with us. It's truly the best party of the year (well second best this year).


At 8:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like it was a good time! Sorry we missed it - we'll have to make up for it.



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