Monday, February 07, 2005


iPod update:

1,891 songs, 6.1 days, 11.7 GB (out of 40)

Last song added: Everclear, "Everything to Everyone"

Prof is a sore boy this morning. Spent the better part of the weekend helping out The Hagovsky's prepare their new home for the move-in which will take place during this upcoming weekend. Amy made the trip down and it was fun to play house for awhile (albeit in someone else's place). We took a few moments and looked around and said to each other, "Yeah. I could see us doing this."

That's how it is with us and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Terrible coffee this morning.....bad start to the week but we do have a new episode of 24 tonight so everything will even out.

Terrible game last night. Anti-climactic with a bad bad start and absolutely bland commercials (except for that Career Builder spot with the monkeys in the office) made for a bad TV viewing experience. Paul McCartney was the only bright spot in an otherwise FCC-controlled atmosphere. Kudos to for their somewhat risquee spot during the game. At least someone had the guts to put their original ad on. Then again, I don't think they had the money to film a backup.

I could go on about the FCC and the spineless people that cower to them and their narrow view of the First Amendment, but why beat a dead horse?

Work is good. Amy is well and we are slowly but surely making our way closer to the time when we will once again be under the same roof. It's tough folks. I remember telling Amy last September, "You's going to be tough in the beginning but by February we'll be used to it and it won't be so bad."

So much for that BS statement.

Like sands through the hourglass......

On a happier note, Happy Birthday to my sister-in-law Deanna. Tomorrow she turns 24, a cool age of which I am very jealous. I told her that 24 is a mature age but no too mature to still have some spur-of-the-moment road trip to Toronto.

I have adopted a practice with Deanna, introduced to me by my cousins, The Daismont's back when I was a teenager:

Whenever they could, during holidays and birthdays, they would send me a copy of an album or cassette. This was my introduction, and turned into my passion for music and its emotional power (see the "walking to work" and "back in high school" posts). So I have decided to continue that tradition with Deanna....her present will be arriving shortly.

Good day people!


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