Sappy as I get (publicly)...
iPod update:
1,858 songs, 6.1 days, 11.5 GB (out of 40)
Last album added: Eric Clapton, 24 Nights
This is the tough part.
Monday morning after a great weekend with my wife. I left NY at 7:00 and made it back before 11. Pretty good time for the drive and probably what I'll wind up doing for the rest of the time.
What a great weekend though, not to sound too sappy. It was like one of those musical montages kind of time. "Something Tells Me I'm Into Something Good" or something like that. Cheesy? yes, but I can't wait for it to happen again.
Back to work (which I love saying) now and a busy week here at NAN. NewsFeeds, RadioTours, all that good stuff which I get paid to produce and distribute. It is a great job with great people who genuinely look out for each other and care about the advancement of the company. We have a lot of pride in what we do and that we are the #1 company in our field.
Thanks to a great gift from my Dad, I know just how far I have come:
In October of 1984, I was a 10 year-old hockey prodigy who needed to learn how to make a buck. What better way to do that than scorekeeping hockey games? Right? Yup. Five bucks per (they make $15 now) to sit there and run the clock. First thing I found out about working? It's freakin' cold in a hockey rink when you're not actually playing!
Well when I got that first check my dad took it, gave me a five dollar bill and had that check framed. It sits on my office wall and is a constant reminder of how far I have come from freezing my ass off in a hockey rink in October of 1984.
In other news. Congrats to Lori Morris who, over the weekend, was married to Paul Flores in a beautiful ceremony in Totowa, NJ. Amy & I were fortunate enough to be invited to share in the day.
Al & Amy Hagovsky continue the slow process of moving into their new (and first) home. My wife and I will be helping them out next Saturday when she visits. From what I hear it's a great place with tons of Poker and Super Bowl potential! Were helping them move but we are not driving them to the airport!
Finally, speaking of the game...If you are in town this upcoming weekend and need a place to watch the game, come on over to our place. We've got 55" of Super Sunday goodness!
Good Day!